North Korean Won(KPW) To Swiss Franc(CHF)
This is the page of North Korean Won (KPW) to Swiss Franc (CHF) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Swiss Franc(CHF) To North Korean Won(KPW).
1000 KPW
1.00539 CHF
1000 Swiss Franc To North Korean Won
Exchange Rates Updated: Jan 06,2025 22:18 UTC
Full history please visit KPW/CHF History
Convert North Korean Won(KPW) To Swiss Franc(CHF)
1 KPW = | 0.00101 CHF | 994.63902 KPW = | 1 CHF |
2 KPW = | 0.00201 CHF | 1989.27805 KPW = | 2 CHF |
5 KPW = | 0.00503 CHF | 4973.19512 KPW = | 5 CHF |
10 KPW = | 0.01005 CHF | 9946.39023 KPW = | 10 CHF |
15 KPW = | 0.01508 CHF | 14919.58535 KPW = | 15 CHF |
20 KPW = | 0.02011 CHF | 19892.78046 KPW = | 20 CHF |
25 KPW = | 0.02513 CHF | 24865.97558 KPW = | 25 CHF |
50 KPW = | 0.05027 CHF | 49731.95115 KPW = | 50 CHF |
North Korean Won(KPW) To Swiss Franc(CHF) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | North Korean Won | Swiss Franc |
Sunday 05/01/2025 | 1000 KPW = | 1.01035 CHF |
Saturday 04/01/2025 | 1000 KPW = | 1.0096 CHF |
Friday 03/01/2025 | 1000 KPW = | 1.00972 CHF |
Thursday 02/01/2025 | 1000 KPW = | 1.01336 CHF |
Wednesday 01/01/2025 | 1000 KPW = | 1.00368 CHF |
Tuesday 31/12/2024 | 1000 KPW = | 1.00368 CHF |
Monday 30/12/2024 | 1000 KPW = | 1.00368 CHF |
Sunday 29/12/2024 | 1000 KPW = | 1.00206 CHF |
Saturday 28/12/2024 | 1000 KPW = | 1.00241 CHF |
Friday 27/12/2024 | 1000 KPW = | 1.00241 CHF |
Full history please visit KPW/CHF Exchange Rates History
Convert 1000 North Korean Won(KPW) to other currencies
Popular North Korean Won(KPW) Pairing
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